Michael Reschke, Holger Badstuber has extended his contract with VfB and will continue to wear the jersey with the infamous hoop…
Michael Reschke: "We are delighted to have been able to extend with Holger. We had maintained completely open, cooperative exchanges with him throughout."
However, for a long time, it looked rather unlikely that Holger Badstuber would remain with VfB?
Michael Reschke: "Yes, that’s true. There was a point at the end of last season when Holger very emotionally thanked us for the time he had spent at VfB, but at the same time explained that he would most likely be making a move to a Champions League participant."
In your opinion, what were the reasons behind Holger’s decision to stick with VfB?
Michael Reschke: "That’s basically a question for Holger, but as I am in constant communication with him, there are a number of things I can explain from my viewpoint. Holger holds a very emotional connection to VfB and the team, probably much more so than he realized himself for a long time. Considering his ambitiousness, it’s naturally extremely important that he is completely convinced of our sporting perspectives. To add to that is his very close personal bond with the coach."
That considered, it’s most certainly not self-evident that a player as nationally and internationally renowned as Holger Badstuber would opt for VfB and against several offers from other clubs, is it?
Michael Reschke: "Definitely. Holger is very highly regarded. When I talk to, for example, Pep Guardiola, he always speaks initially about Holger Badstuber. He is amazed by the development Holger has made at VfB in recent months. Prior to going through a difficult phase in his career, Holger Badstuber was on his way to becoming one of the best central-defenders in the world. Last season, particularly during the latter half, he was a very decisive factor in our game plan and we firmly believe Holger is on his way back to being top-class."
The contract term of three years has come as something of a surprise to many observers…
Michael Reschke: "Three years - for both parties, three reasons. From Holger’s view-point, complete belief and commitment to VfB, the coach and the team’s potential. From our view-point, the sporting class of Holger, his fantastic winning mentality and our conviction that he is absolutely right about his three reasons."